Package-level declarations
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class AbsoluteDriveCommand(vForwards: DoubleSupplier, vStrafe: DoubleSupplier, headingX: DoubleSupplier, headingY: DoubleSupplier) : Command
A Command that lets you provide a direct heading rather than an angular velocity
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class CornerSpinCommand(rotation: DoubleSupplier, driveMode: BooleanSupplier, slowMode: BooleanSupplier) : Command
A Command that allows rotation around a corner/swerve module.
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class CorrectedDriveCommand(vForward: DoubleSupplier, vStrafe: DoubleSupplier, omega: DoubleSupplier, driveMode: BooleanSupplier, slowMode: BooleanSupplier) : Command
A command that controls the swerve drive using joystick inputs.
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class TeleopDriveCommand(vForward: DoubleSupplier, vStrafe: DoubleSupplier, omega: DoubleSupplier, slowMode: DoubleSupplier) : Command
A command that controls the swerve drive using joystick inputs.
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