
data class Zone(val corner1: Translation2d, val corner2: Translation2d, val tag: String, val displayName: String)

A rectangular bound that defines a specific zone with a purpose.

Zones are stored as two points, and are strictly rectangular. The tag of a zone denotes its purpose, while the display name (which should be unique) exists to differentiate zones for the user.

The coordinate system used by this class is the same as Translation2d, where x is "forward" and y is "sideways." More specifically, the positive x-axis points away from the driver wall, and the positive y-axis points perpendicularly left.

Zones also support serialization with kotlinx.serialization


Matthew Clark

See also



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constructor(x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double, tag: String, displayName: String)

Creates a zone with rectangular bounds defined by opposite corners at points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

constructor(x1: Measure<Distance>, y1: Measure<Distance>, x2: Measure<Distance>, y2: Measure<Distance>, tag: String, displayName: String)

Creates a zone with rectangular bounds defined by opposite corners at points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

constructor(corner1: Translation2d, corner2: Translation2d, tag: String, displayName: String)

Creates a zone with two given opposite corners and bounds made from them.


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object Companion


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val bottomLeft: Translation2d

The position of the bottom left corner of this zone

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val bottomRight: Translation2d

The position of the bottom right corner of this zone

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The x-coordinate of the bottom bound of this zone

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@Serializable(with = Translation2dSerializer::class)
val corner1: Translation2d

The first corner of the rectangular bound of this zone.

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@Serializable(with = Translation2dSerializer::class)
val corner2: Translation2d

The second corner of the rectangular bound of this zone.

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A unique display name to differentiate this zone from possible similar ones for the user.

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The y-coordinate of the left bound of this zone

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The y-coordinate of the right bound of this zone

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val tag: String

A short tag to denote this zone's purpose.

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val topLeft: Translation2d

The position of the top left corner of this zone

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val topRight: Translation2d

The position of the top right corner of this zone

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The x-coordinate of the top bound of this zone


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operator fun contains(point: Translation2d): Boolean

Checks if a Translation2d (a point) is contained within the rectangular bounding provided by this zone.

Checks if a point described by two given doubles is contained within the rectangular bounding provided by this zone.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String

Returns the display name of this zone. For its descriptive tag, see tag