
object Robot : TimedRobot

The VM is configured to automatically run this object (which basically functions as a singleton class), and to call the functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the TimedRobot documentation. This is written as an object rather than a class since there should only ever be a single instance, and it cannot take any constructor arguments. This makes it a natural fit to be an object in Kotlin.

If you change the name of this object or its package after creating this project, you must also update the Main.kt file in the project. (If you use the IDE's Rename or Move refactorings when renaming the object or package, it will get changed everywhere.)


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open override fun autonomousInit()

This autonomous runs the autonomous command selected by your RobotContainer class.

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open override fun autonomousPeriodic()

This method is called periodically during autonomous.

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open override fun disabledInit()

This method is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode.

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open override fun disabledPeriodic()
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open override fun robotInit()

This method is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code.

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open override fun robotPeriodic()

This method is called every 20 ms, no matter the mode. Use this for items like diagnostics that you want ran during disabled, autonomous, teleoperated and test.

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open override fun simulationInit()

This method is called once when the robot is first started up.

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open override fun simulationPeriodic()

This method is called periodically whilst in simulation.

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open override fun teleopInit()
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open override fun teleopPeriodic()

This method is called periodically during operator control.

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open override fun testInit()
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open override fun testPeriodic()

This method is called periodically during test mode.